It's an exciting week here at Ushahidi. We’d like to officially welcome Henry Addo (@eyedol on Twitter) from Ghana as the newest, and first, full-time member of the Ushahidi team! As of this week, Henry will be working on Ushahidi as one of the core architecture and development team members. As part of the volunteer development community that works on Ushahidi, he has already created the Ushahidi Android app, and is now doing some new discovery work in the area of using Laconica in conjunction with Ushahidi, and the use of microblogging and mobile networks in emergencies. Basically, he has a long history of doing extraordinary work on Ushahidi, and he has the passion and desire we’re looking for to help Ushahidi continue to grow. He's smart, and he gets things done. He’s a perfect fit, and we’re so happy to have him on board. A word of advice for anyone else looking to join Ushahidi full-time as things open up in the future: we look to our most active and dedicated volunteer devs first. They are a known quantity, and prove by their actions their belief in what Ushahidi is about.