[Dale Zak is one of the volunteer developers with Ushahidi, here is his story on tapping into the greater Ushahidi community.] With the multilingual functionality of the Ushahidi Windows Mobile app implemented, the challenge now is translating the ~90 English phrases to as many languages as possible. In the spirit of crowdsourcing, I tweeted for help:
"Help! Looking for multilingual people to help translate ~90 English phrases to Dutch, German, Hindi, etc for @ushahidi Windows Mobile app."
The crowd instantly responded; @krystiano, @edobejar, @simoncolumbus, @lksriv, @digiactive, @katrinskaya, @miltonj and @osalazar all offered their multilingual talents. Windows Mobile translations for Ushahidi Others like @bdrhoa, @sgfwarnaars, @jwfellows,@ _pim_ and @greatheight helped by spreading the word. In a short while, the online Google Spreadsheet was translated to German, Spanish, French and Polish, with other languages on the way. Ushahidi Translation for Windows Mobile - Spreadsheet Mea Culpa: On the original post, we forgot to include Oscar Salazar who rocked the Spanish translations, Benjamin Ducol who rocked the French Translation and Gabriele Sani for Italian. Thank you so much, please forgive our oversight.