We're extremely grateful to the programmers and designers who dedicate their valuable time, brains and resources to making Ushahidi what it is. As a thank you, we've created a special "Ushahidi Dev Team" t-shirt that is only given to people who have laid down some code or done design work (though we might make an exception for individuals who have done an extensive language translation of the content). Men's shirt is tan: Ushahidi Dev Shirt Women's shirt is in women's sizes and in blue: Womens Ushahidi Dev Shirt

Naming Names

People receiving the Ushahidi Dev shirt: [Note: if I missed you, or if I don't have your mailing address, shoot me an email through our contact form.]

The Red Shirt

The Ushahid Red shirt is for supporters, friends, partners and anyone else that works as a part of the Ushahidi extended team. I'm thinking of offering these up on the site, if you'd be interested in one, and willing to put in $25 to go towards Ushahidi to get one, let me know. Example: We just shot off a box of shirts to the Kohana and OpenLayers teams as a big thank you for providing the framework for much of what we do. The Ushahidi RED Shirt

Get involved:

Want to pitch in on the code? Start on the wiki or download the code Find a bug? Submit it to bugs.ushahidi.com Have a question? Ask it on the forums Want to find us online? Besides the blog, you can track us on Twitter and Facebook