We're fortunate to have some real Ushahidi pros in the open source community. They know the Ushahidi code base inside out and regularly contribute improvements and fixes. As we continue to evolve the Ushahidi platform with new upgrades, we increasingly need to refine our quality assurance processes. We believe that Ushahidi pros can play a pivotal role in this respect. That is why we've decided to launch Ushahidi SWAT, a team of advanced Ushahidi users who have agreed to be our frontline defense against the meanest bugs. Our dream team is composed of Rob Baker, John Etherton, George Chamales, Anahi Ayala and Jaroslav Valuch. When we prepare to release a new version the Ushahidi platform, they'll be granted early access to the new code. They'll take it out for test drives on various terrains, pushing the code to the max. Together with the Ushahidi Tech Team, they'll identify bugs and swat them. We hope this will make our new releases more robust; so many thanks to the first members of Ushahidi SWAT for their time and invaluable support. If you're interested in joining Ushahidi SWAT, please fill out this form. There is a vetting process since this a team of advanced users who are part of our official quality assurance processes. If you think you've got it what it takes to swat Ushahidi bugs, then please apply! We will be working with the community to improve the process as we move forward.