Deployments and deployers are the backbone of all things Ushahidi. So, a few months ago we started to recognize Deployments of the Week We are delighted to see the wide-range of projects on any given week. : October 15 - United for Global Change, SMS in Action: SMS Solutions for Social Good and one to track WildHorses in Romania. The Criteria: Recognize deployments, deployers, teams of deployers, individuals and communities and feature Ushahidi and Crowdmaps that do one or more of the following: build community/teamwork, demonstrate outreach, showcase/expand the open source software (new themes or code), have a unique or timely topic, be active and more.

Deployments of the Week

Graffitti picture - Montreal QC (Globe-sized Graffiti in Montreal, QC. Photo by Heather Leson)

How you can help:

We would like your input on Deployments of the Week. These deployments should be active and fit some of the criteria noted above. Please be sure to mention your deployment to us: tweet @ushahidi or @crowdmap or post to our Facebook page. Some deployments are not publicly available as deployers can opt out of search. The Ushahidi team has been reviewing and voting on the deployments on a weekly basis. We will look into opening up the voting.

Deployment Types

We've found that there are a few types of deployments, but are watching as it expands:
  • Election monitoring
  • Crisis and Emergency Response
  • Civil and Community Building
  • Activism
  • Storytellers, Business and other topics

Who are the user groups?

Our community is so diverse in skills and general types of user groups. We talked previously about the types of community members by skill, but these are some of the core groups who deploy:
  • Media
  • Civil Society organizations
  • Deployment Partners
  • Non-governmental/Governmental associations, UN (local, national, global)
  • Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
  • Citizen Media
  • Volunteer teams like the StandbyTaskForce, CrisisCommons, Humanity Road, Geeks Without Bounds and more
  • Researchers/Academics
  • Technical developers
  • Mappers/GIS
  • Remarkable Individuals and more.