On Crowdmap.com, we use SSL encryption to make sure that data being passed between your machine and our servers aren't able to be easily intercepted by third parties. This is automatically supported by your browser and you don't have to do anything to turn it on. Unfortunately, verified SSL certificates aren't free and must be renewed periodically. About 37 hours prior to this blog post, the certificate we purchased for Crowdmap lapsed and we missed the notification. 24 hours ago we purchased a new certificate but it must be manually approved by the company that verifies certificates. Until this happens, you will continue to see warnings that our certificate has expired. Although the SSL certificate has expired, traffic between you and our servers is still encrypted! Your data is safe and this should only be considered an inconvenience. We apologize for the warnings about the certificate, as they can seem alarming in some browsers. We are doing our best to get everything running smoothly again! Update — Our new SSL certificate is now working. Thank you for your patience!