We need your help testing for v2.7b of the platform. There are two ways to test:

Download and Test the install

We have tagged a 2.7b branch in github as the "beta release". You can download this code and test it from the 2.7b github branch.

Use our Test Ushahidi site

You can use the test site is http://testing.ushahidi.com. We loaded up the zombiereports.org dataset to help you get started. Here's our spreadsheet document to track your findings. TESTING DETAILS Testing.ushahidi.com username = testing@ushahidi.com password = admin2013

Co-testing Virtual date

Testing is sometimes easier with collaboration. Join me to co-test on Thursday, April 25: 13:30 - 16:30 EDT (17:30 UTC - 21:30 UTC). Skype (add heatherleson), IRC (irc.freenode.net #ushahidi) We recommend testing these major functions of the platform:
  • Submit Report
  • Reports Listing
  • Reports Approval/Verification
  • Manage: Categories, Forms, Layers, Pages
  • Addons: Themes, Plugins
  • Upload/Download Reports
  • Users: Create, Edit, Delete
What is changing: Some of the big changes are to the auto-upgrader, scheduled, custom forms, upload/download, HTML editor and more. See the Testing chart and github for full details. Key dates: Code Freeze: April 18, 2013 Community testing: April 18 – 26, 2013. Bug Fixes: April 24 – 26, 2013 Crowdmap upgrade to 2.7 code: April 27-29, 2013 Ushahidi 2.7 Code Release Date: April 30, 2013 Please join us via Skype or irc to co-test. As always, we promise to dig in and followup. (add Heatherleson) Quick reminder: The next Ushahidi Developer call is tomorrow (Tuesday, April 23rd)