Upgrade day is here once again. The 4th community wide Upgrade day is set September 25th – 26th 2013, to help you get your deployment running on an older version of Ushahidi up to date with the Bamako bug fix release. Upgrade day 2.7.1

What’s new on v2.7.1?

This release featured the following fixes:-
  • Bulk deletions coupled with single report deletion
  • Login page issues Date picker issues in default theme
  • Database table prefix installation issues
  • Some Custom form issues Image upload issues (uploading jpegs, image sizing issues)
Here is a complete review of the fixes tagged under the 2.7.1 milestone on our github issues page.

We are here to help you!

Upgrading your deployment need not make you frustrated.

Never fear

As always, members of the Ushahidi team and community will be available to lend you a hand and guide you through the the process. The Auto upgrade plugin will also help ease some of your upgrade pains.

Deployers: Get Help or Be a Helper

We’ve created a schedule to match deployers in need with developers. If you’ve successfully carried out an upgrade before and can lend a hand to a fellow mapper, your help will be greatly appreciated! Sign up, and be sure to add your contact information on the schedule For reference, read about the upgrade process, and migrating to a newer version of ushahidi. See you on September 25th – 26th, and Happy Upgrading!