Deployment(s) of the Week

This week, we recognise three outstanding projects as deployments of the week. SardSOS : Emergenza Meteo Sardegna 2013 is a deployment set up to track effects of the deadly Cyclone Cleopatra and subsequent floods and help with emergency efforts. Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 12.32.48 PM The team at are creating awareness on the plight of protesters in Ukraine, and helping to track those arrested or injured. Screen Shot 2013-12-05 at 11.32.52 PM Mobilkartan is a project trying to collect information on quality of cell phone coverage in Sweden from ordinary citizens. Screen_Shot_2013-12-05_at_5.37.24_PM

In the News

ICCM rundown

Late appreciation or not, it was great getting to meet so many crisis mappers from within the Ushahidi community at the 5th Annual Crisis Mapper's conference held two weeks ago. The pre conference training day was extremely engaging, with folks getting a sneak preview into Ushahidi v3 as well as an inside scoop on how the BRCK works from Erik Hersman. [caption id="attachment_14606" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Erik giving a run down of the BRCK to pre-ICCM training day attendees Erik giving a run down of the BRCK to pre-ICCM training day attendees[/caption] Huge shoutout goes to the conference organisers for a fruitful and amazing experience. [caption id="attachment_14605" align="aligncenter" width="500"]ICCM 2013 Group photo Credit: @crisismappers on twitter ICCM 2013 Group photo Credit: @crisismappers on twitter[/caption]

Knight Foundation Civic Tech report

The Knight foundation recently released a first-of-its-kind analysis of the emerging civic tech landscape. It offers insights into investments being made in this growing field, and organisations behind them.
Knight civic-tech from Knight Foundation

Making All Voices Count Global Competition

mavc_global_innovation_competiton_postcard The Making All Voices Count initiative announced its Global Innovation Competition during the Open Government Partnership (OGP) summit in London and is still seeking submissions until December 13th, 2013. Find out more, or apply.


Who's Hiring?

  • Ushahidi is looking for a senior engineer(an architect, not a code monkey :D) to join the team. Do you fit this bill? Send in your applications to chris AT ushahidi DOT com
  • FrontlineSMS are hiring a Chief Financial Officer for their SIMLab project and a Chief Engineer as well. See more details.

Bellagio/PopTech Fellows nominations are open


Into the Code

Ushahidi v3

We're all still preparing for a beta release of Ushahidi v3 soon. Review our roadmap. Stay tuned for more details on a G+ hangout with the team for a run down of what to expect from the platform. [caption id="attachment_14227" align="aligncenter" width="500"]A mockup of Ushahidi v3 A mockup of Ushahidi v3 - beta to be released in a few days[/caption] Hope our North American community had a great thanksgiving holiday. Happy Week folks!