We started SwiftRiver with the lofty vision for a simple tool that quickly reveals insights hidden within the massive streaming real-time information flowing in from all web, mobile, and social sources. We wish that every innovative product with the potential for social good sees wild success, empowering millions around the world and improving lives -- the reality is that with innovation comes uncertainty. We had some high impact stories and happy deployers of SwiftRiver technology like First To See and we learned that we need to focus our resources and vision. And so with heavy hearts, we made the decision to end support and development on SwiftRiver in order to manage our resources most efficiently.

How Will It Impact You?

Starting January 5, 2015 we will not be taking new customers nor providing further:

  • technical support to users
  • custom development support to users
  • code updates/new version releases
  • support on new deployments

All SwiftRiver code will be open-sourced and publicly available via github. Although we will not be managing the code base any longer, we would be thrilled to see the product live on in the hands of the open source community at large.

Our Gratitude

We have had the good fortune to receive encouragement, resources, and hard work from a supportive group of wonderful people. To each and everyone of you, we express our heartfelt thanks:

  • Emmanuel Kala and Brian Muita for your his hard work
  • Dan King of Pierce County for all your insights and guidance
  • Folks who helped bring Swift to birth (Chris Blow and the rest of the gang)
  • All code contributors
The First To See Story

Here is the rest of the story on journey of Pierce County, Washington's First To See initiative...