Progress continues on the v3 development front. Today, we’re rolling out an epic release of v3. Ushahidi v3.0.0-beta.21 is out! v3-release-image Take it out for a spin on our demo site. It’s not quite ready for production, but is close enough for you to play around with and share feedback with us on. Log in credentials for the test site are as follows:- username: demo, password: testing

What’s New?

  • You can now view Collections and Saved Searches,
  • Add posts to collections, and
  • Turn "unstructured" posts (ie. incoming SMS) into fully fledged posts
  • You can also use "related post" field to add links between different posts. ie. linking an incident post to a hospital post
  • We’ve added Twitter support (prototype). You can now configure a twitter data source and pull in message based on a hashtag or other search terms, and
  • Added filters for posts status and stage. You can use these to find posts in the various stages of their workflow.

What’s changed?

  • The platform now show posts’ "Current step" in listings
  • We’ve updated the user profile editor
  • We’ve cleaned up and fixed the timeline view
  • Authentication is also handled better. Users are only redirected to login when necessary
  • A number of bugs when receiving SMS messages have been fixed
  • We’ve added filters for current step, and post status
  • Users can optionally collect name and email address on posts from non-logged in users

Coming up next?

  • You’ll be able to create your own saved searches and collections of posts. Finally, you won't be stuck with just the defaults ;)!

How Can I help?





We are grateful for you, the Ushahidi community for all your input and feedback! Do feel free to reach out to any of us with questions, comments and concerns. In the meantime, stay tuned on our blog, meetup page, twitter, facebook page and wiki for more announcements. Happy v3 release day!