We launched Ushahidi version 3.0 a few days ago(along with a rebranded website) on 19th August 2015. However, we owe much of our success to our community of contributors and supporters!

This release is a culmination of a massive amount of effort not just from the Ushahidi team, but members of our community as well. All your code, documentation and translation contributions, user experience feedback and bug reports have gone a long way, and we’re grateful for your support. A special shout out to the following groups and individuals:-

UX Research: Gabriel White

Code contributions: Daniel Spaude

Documentation: Jennifer Chan and John Crowley

Translation(Transifex): Paul Warambo from Translators without Borders, AndhikaRutten, Andi Chandler, Lisi, Giuseppe Murabito, Alessandra Lualdi, alfalb_mansil, Arsenio Ruiz Vega, Chris Mukuria, Daniele Ferrari, Declan Wakhu, fleischwolf, james91732, Lidia Cibor, Marcelo Ghelman, Nina Oishi, Kelli Merritz, rice_ua, Imron Fauzi, Rob Baker, Sebastian Mitchell, Vasanthi Hargyono

Testing/UX Feedback: Francesco Bartoli, Heather Leson, Anahi Ayala Iacucci, James Ndiga, Nekesa Were, Adam Bard, Sharon Rutto, Leonida Mutuku, Rhoda Omenya, Leonard Korir, Kelvin Minn, Maureen(iHub), Carol Njeri, Sharon Wangari, Kelli Merritz, Francis Mwangi, Angela Muigai, Eric Asiago, Brian Birir, Barre Yassin, Wallace, David Kimaru, Kurtis Unger, Marie Githinji, Nyandia Kamawe

Development partners: Google.org, IFES(International Foundation for Electoral Systems)

We hope we captured all your names and nicknames or ids. If we missed you, please accept our apologies and humble thanks.

If you'd like to know more about how to join our community and contribute, visit our getting involved page for more details!

Rock on!